

wordz 1024_500

What is a word game?

Drag the blocks of letters to form words.

What is the point of the word game?

This word game is an application designed to train your brain and teach you new words while having fun.

How is it played a word game?

The goal is to slide the blocks of letters to form words in a given time.

Two types of games:

- Guess the words
- Make a maximum of points with the words formed
This word game is playable with several dictionaries (England, Canada, Latin, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, PT-Brazil, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United States united)
More than 50,000 words for a language, including more than a million for French, English and German.

How do you count the points in the word game?

A word is dissected in letters e t each letter has a scrabble value for the selected dictionary.
We add each of the letter values ​​to give a value to the word.
This last value is multiplied by a coefficient related to the size of the word to give the final score of the word.

Subject related to this word game

Classified among word games and puzzle games, it is also a puzzle game and a speed game.
We find other games of words like hidden words or code words like classic arrow words, crosswords or mixed words.
All of these word games are part of word block games. Your goal is to become a master, a word pro.

Thank you

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