

freecell 1024_500

What is FreeCell?

    The FreeCell is one of the best-known skills thanks to the Windows operating system, which includes this game alongside the Solitaire (Klondike).
    FreeCell is fundamentally different from Patience games (Shrimp, Twins, Fourteen, Solitaire, Klondike) because most games are winnable.

What is the interest of FreeCell?

    Each part has a solution, it's up to you to be smarter! Place all the cards in ascending order on the pile of their color, using the free slots wisely.

How does a game of FreeCell work?

    FreeCell is played with a set of 52 traditional cards.
    The 52 cards are spread over eight columns to form the table (the four columns on the left have seven cards, and the four on the right have six).
    Four free spaces allow cards to pass through (one at a time), and four stacks of bases allow cards to be discarded (starting with the Ace and going up to the King in the same suit).

Subject related to FreeCell

    Classified among the Card, Patience, Society and Puzzle Games, it is also a puzzle game and a strategy game.
    We find other games of Patience such as Crapette, Twins, Fourteen, Golf, The Infernal Tower, Salic Law, Neapolitan, Solitaire.


     Thank you for installing and playing with this FreeCell.

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